Lambros Comitas

Member Since: 1979

Lambros Comitas is Gardner Cowles Professor of Anthropology and Education at Teachers College (TC), Columbia University and director of TC’s Institute of International Studies. He was, for many years, the director of the Research Institute for the Study of Man in New York City, a leading American center of Caribbean study. At Teachers College he directed the Division of Philosophy, the Social Sciences, and Education and, at Columbia proper, the Institute of Latin American and Iberian Studies. An authority on the scholarly literature of the Caribbean, Comitas has carried out anthropological field research in Barbados, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Greece, the Soviet Union, Andorra, and Spain with particular focus on fishing populations, social organization, education, drugs and society, and change. Among his publications are The Complete Caribbeana 1900-1975: A Bibliographic Guide to the Scholarly Literature, Ganja in Jamaica (with Vera Rubin), West Indian Perspectives (with D. Lowenthal), Report and Working Papers on Anthropology and Education, andInterdisciplinary Research and Doctoral Training: A Study of the Linkoping University (Sweden) Tema Departments (with T.C. Brock, B. Sigurd, and A.O.P. Sundborg), Education and Society in the Creole Caribbean (wtih M.G. Smith). Elected to the National Academy of Education in 1979, Comitas has served as president of the Society for Applied Anthropology.

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