Advancing High-Quality Research to Improve Education Policy and Practice

New Consensus Report

Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs

The NAEd releases new consensus study report that addresses the crucial role of teacher preparation programs to recruit, prepare, and retain a qualified and diverse teacher workforce.

New Volume

Reimagining Balanced Assessment Systems

This NAEd volume expands upon our understanding of balanced assessment systems and provides critical guidance to researchers and practitioners.

Latest from the Academy

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The Academy is an honorific society consisting of U.S. members and international associates elected based on outstanding education-related scholarship.


NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship


Deadline: October 3, 2024

NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship


Deadline: November 7, 2024


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As a non-profit organization, your donations will help expand the Academy’s capacity to advance high-quality education research, the continuing professional development of the next generation of education scholars, and the application of research to improved education policy and practice.

Current Research Initiatives

Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs

The Academy has undertaken a three-year study funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation focused on evaluating and improving teacher preparation programs. The project aims to identify best practices among existing models of evaluation tools and provide recommendations for developing new models. Under the direction of an interdisciplinary steering committee of researchers and practitioners in teacher education, the project outcomes will be made applicable and accessible to different stakeholders, including state and federal agencies, teacher preparation programs, practitioners, and researchers.

Educating for Civic Reasoning and Discourse

Funded by the Hewlett Foundation, this NAEd initiative aims to improve student learning in civic reasoning and discourse by ensuring that the best available evidence informs the pedagogy, curriculum, and learning environments they experience. The project includes a workshop, commissioned chapters, and a summary report synthesizing findings and actionable guidance for policymakers and practitioners.

Study on the Implementation and Use of Balanced Assessment Systems

The NAEd recently received a grant from Smarter Balanced/University of California Santa Cruz to guide state and local educational agencies to (1) design policy, professional learning, and other local systems necessary to implement balanced assessment systems; (2) foster and maintain a culture of data literacy to appropriately and effectively use the data from a balanced assessment system, as well as additional critical contextual information, to improve teaching and learning; and (3) implement a system to use the data to improve the assessment system continually.

Addressing Educational Inequities in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Academy received a two-year grant from the William T. Grant Foundation to sustain and advance the NAEd’s work and commitment to addressing the educational inequities resulting from and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Guided by an interdisciplinary committee of NAEd scholars and policy leaders, this project will provide promising intervention strategies for improving student well-being and learning outcomes for disproportionately affected historically marginalized populations.

This grant builds on the successful NAEd project, COVID-19 and Educational Inequities, which began in May 2020 and provided needed research-based evidence on specific policy and practice challenges in areas including student well-being, reading, mathematics, assessment, and institutional change.

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