Alfredo Artiles notes the following accomplishments:

  • Elected Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2023).
  • 2022 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Scholars of Color Distinguished Career Contributions Award.
  • Committee Member – National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2022). The Future of Education Research at the Institute of Education Sciences: Advancing an Equity-Oriented Science. Department of Education. Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. The National Academies Press. DOI: (
  • Publications:
    • Tefera, A.; Artiles, A.J.; Kramarczuk Voulgarides, C.; Aylward, A.; Alvarado, S. (2023). The aftermath of disproportionality citations: Situating disability-race intersections in historical and spatial contexts. American Educational Research Journal, 60(2), 367-404. (
    • Tefera, A., & Artiles, A. J. (2023). Learning disabilities’ unsettling intersections: Disrupting learning, cultural, socioeconomic, and environmental deficits. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan & G. Smith (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed., Vol. 10) (pp. 279-287). Elsevier.
    • King Thorius, K., & Artiles, A.J. (2023). Accountability elasticity in relation to U.S. federal legislation at the intersection of race and disability. In G. A. Postiglione, C. Johnstone, & W. R. Teter (Eds.), Handbook of education policy (pp. 181-195) Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ron Avi Astor has conducted over 1,000 media interviews and events this past year attempting to share scientific information regarding school shootings that is useful to the general public and more importantly to politicians and legislatures. Astor has also been writing policy-oriented scholarly pieces and publishing studies on these topics during the past 6 months. Here is one CNN OpED example:

His publication work has been shared widely to teaching and practice audiences:

  • Reynolds, H.M. & Astor, R.A. (2023 Spring). Reimagining school safety. American Educator, 47 (1). 3. Meyer, M., & Astor, R.A. (2023). Is school safety mainly about school shootings? Research-informed guidance for the field. Preventing School Failure, 1-8,
  • Moore, H., Astor, R. A., & Capp, G. (2023). Districts’ and schools’ role in identifying and providing services for homeless students: Nested ecological case studies in school districts with high‐ and low‐socioeconomic status. Journal of Community Psychology, 1–25.
  • Benbenishty, R., Astor, R.A. & Roziner, I. (2023). An eighteen-year longitudinal examination of school victimization and weapon use in California secondary schools.  World Journal of Pediatrics.
  • Reynolds, H.M & Astor, R.A. (2022). School safety practices and policies: The importance of linking researchers with local policymakers. Urban Education and Society.
  • Astor, R.A. & Benbenishty, R. (2022). Integrating policy into school safety theory and research.  Research on Social Work Practice, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/10497315221122707.
  • Capp G, Astor R.A., Moore H. (2022). Positive school climate for school staff? The roles of administrators, staff beliefs, and school organization in high and low resource school districts. Journal of Community Psychology. Sep. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22701. PMID: 34495555.
  • Reynolds, H.M. & Astor, R.A. (2023). Reimagining school safety during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: A call for racial and social justice. In J. Bishop (Ed) Beyond schools: the urgency of reinventing education policy in America New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

James A. Banks is the recipient of the 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award. The Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award is the premier acknowledgment of outstanding achievement and success in education research. It is designed to publicize, motivate, encourage, and suggest models for education research at its best. The Awards citation reads, “Dr. Banks began the academic area of multicultural education and has continued his prodigious scholarship for over fifty years. His writing in theory, pedagogy, and curriculum remains central to the deepening understanding and importance of the concept of citizenship in complex societies. Persistent attention to social studies and to the development of teachers resulted in his receipt of virtually every prestigious award for scholarly and practical contributions to education. His significant contributions to leadership of key organizations have promoted reflections on how social justice can permeate the core of education in the United States and in countries around the world.”

Michael Bastedo had two books published in the last few months:

  • Bastedo, Michael N., Patricia J. Gumport, and Philip G. Altbach (Eds.)  American Higher Education in the 21st Century: Social, Political, and Economic Challenges (5th edition).  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Poon, OiYan and Michael N. Bastedo (Eds.). 2022. Rethinking College Admissions: Research-Based Practice and Policy.  Cambridge: Harvard Education Press.

Randy Bennett published “Toward a Theory of Socioculturally Responsive Assessment,” in Educational Assessment. The article assembles assessment design principles from multiple literatures aimed at creating measures more suited to a multicultural diverse society. The principles are used to propose a working definition and initial theory of empirically testable propositions for how assessments built from those principles might achieve various positive effects. doi: 10.1080/10627197.2023.2202312.

Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy (Lumbee) has been named dean of Northwestern University’s School of Education and Social Policy.

Michelene Chi received the American Psychological Association (APA) Distinguished Scientific Award for the Applications of Psychology. This award honors psychologists who have made distinguished theoretical or empirical advances in psychology leading to the understanding or amelioration of important practical problems.

Colette Daiute was elected as Fulbright Specialist for 2022 – 2026. Daiute’s current project commenced with a 2022 Fulbright Grant shared with the University of Naples Federico II Law School. Daiute’s participation includes working with lawyer/client teams studying and improving the credible fear interview process, to highlight the cultural and personal perspectives of asylum-seeking clients. Two publications have resulted from the collaboration:

  • Daiute, C. & Di Donato, F. (2022). Tensions between everyday narrating and legal International Journal of Law in Context 19 (2), pp. 177 – 196.
  • DiDonato, F. & Daiute, C. (2023), Coerenza e credibilità nei racconti dei richiedenti asilo: analisi, lacune e soluzioni collaborative, Ragion Pratica (June), pp. 5-28. (For English translation, write to

Patricia Gandara received the Lifetime Achievement award in Bilingual education research from the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Bilingual Education Research (BER) Special Interest Group.

Nancy Hornberger received a 2023 University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Education Distinguished Alumni Award, recognizing “the major contributions [she is] making to [her] field and society” for her work in bilingualism and biliteracy, ethnography and language policy, and Indigenous language revitalization.

David Kaplan was named International Guest Professor at the Institut für Bildungswissenshaft (Institute for Education Science) at the University of Heidelberg for the Spring semester 2023.

Diana Slaughter Kotzin was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Social and Behavioral Sciences/Education) in 2022 and will be inducted September 2023.

Deanna Kuhn has finally achieved a long-time ambition of putting Chinese and American teens in electronic discourse with one another to discuss significant issues, discover their common human connections and hopefully reduce a prevailing sense of “otherness” regarding unknown others.

Michal Kurlaender was appointed to the Education Commission of the States by California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Zeus Leonardo notes the following accomplishments: An intervention in the Gramscian argument that teachers should be recast as “intellectuals” (most clearly argued in Giroux’s Teachers as Intellectuals, 1988), Zeus Leonardo and Michael Singh (2018 NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellow; 2022 NAEd/Spencer Research Development Awardee; 2023 NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow) explicate what decolonizing the intellectual might look like in a racialized nation state. For this, they deploy Frantz Fanon’s thoughts on decolonization in The Wretched of the Earth. The authors were also featured in an interview for a podcast with the journal.

Highlighting the fact that most U.S. teachers are not only white, but majority white women, Leonardo and Joy Esboldt (2023 NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellow) analyze white women teachers’ race privilege in the context of their gender subordination within patriarchy. The authors use the framework of “the abused abuser” to explain white women’s specific place in race-gender relations, the compromises they make with whiteness, and their role in race stratification.

  • Leonardo, Z. and Esboldt, J. (2023). White Woman: Or, the Abused Abuser’s Role in Educational Stratification. In Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 2 (pp. 93–103). Elsevier.

In a campus-wide keynote at Fairfield University’s Diversity Series on March 9, 2023, Leonardo explicates how anti-blackness in education may be understood through the writings of Frantz Fanon and W.E.B. Du Bois. Specifically, Leonardo leverages their metaphors of the “mask” and “veil” to describe Black experience with racism, respectively.

Richard Milner IV just finished his term as president of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). More than 15,000 people attended the AERA annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois where Professor Milner gave the presidential lecture, Consequential Research in Education. Professor Milner also received Vanderbilt University’s prestigious Joseph A. Johnson, Jr. Distinguished Leadership Professor Award, and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Margaret B. Lindsey Award. In addition, Professor Milner gave the University of Lynchburg Rosel Schewel Lecture in Education and Human Diversity, served as a Seattle University, College of Education Boeing-William Allen Distinguished Scholar, and was appointed to the EdTrust Inaugural Research Advisory Council. In May of 2023, Professor Milner published his book, The race card: Leading the fight for truth in America’s schools, with Corwin Press.

Anna Neumann recently published a chapter entitled, “Teaching that Supports Students’ Academic Learning: Implications for Higher Education Practice, Policy, and Leadership” for American Higher Education in the 21st Century, 5th ed., edited by Michael Bastedo, Phillip Altbach, and Patricia Gumport (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023). Anna Neumann and Aaron Pallas published a concluding chapter, entitled, “Closing Words: Helping Students to Learn Research and Become Researchers,” for the volume, A Practical Guide to Teaching Research Methods in Education: Lesson Plans and Advice from Faculty, edited by Aimee LaPointe Terosky, Jeffrey Sun, and Vicki Baker. (UK: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2023).

Sonia Nieto received the Trailblazer Award in February 2023, given to “honor people who have remained fierce advocates and pillars of the Diasporican Community for the last 50 years.” She was a faculty member in the Department of Puerto Rican Studies, one of the first such departments in the nation from 1972-1975. The award was given at the 50th anniversary of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies [AKA, Centro] at Hunter College, CUNY.

Walter Parker published Education for Liberal Democracy: Using Classroom Discussion to Build Knowledge and Voice (Teachers College Press). The book calls for a focused but moderate, nonpartisan approach to civic education in schools, a civic education that aims to shore up liberal democracy. The book responds to the twofold crisis confronting the political culture of the US today–a legitimacy crisis (trust) and an epistemic crisis (truth).

Laura Perna received in April 2023 the AEFP-CUE Applied Higher Education Award from the Association for Education Finance and Policy.

Paul Peterson notes the following accomplishments:

  • “The Efficiency-Equity Trade-off in a Federal System: Local Financing of Schools and Student Achievement,” with Carlos X. Lastra-Anadón, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 2022. DOI: 2.
  • “Public Opinion, Attitude Stability, and Education Policy,” with David M. Houston (2017 NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellow), Michael Henderson, and Martin R. West, Teachers College Record, 2022.
  • “Long-run Trends in the U.S. SES-Achievement Gap,” with Eric A. Hanushek, Jacob D. Light, Laura M. Talpey, and Ludger Woessmann, Education Finance and Policy, 17, no. 4 (2022): 608–640. DOI: 10.1162//edfp_a_00383
  • “A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Agency and Flynn Effects, Ethnic and SES Differences,” with M. Danish Shakeel, Educational Psychology Review, March 3, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s10648-021-09657-y. “

William Schmidt presented in 2023 an invited address at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting in celebration of having received the 2022 AERA Distinguished Contributions to Educational Research Award. Additionally, he has a chapter in press in the edited book, Inequality in Key Skills of City Youth: An International Comparison.

Janelle Scott was elected as President-elect of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). With Monisha Bajaj (2008 NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow), she co-edited the 2023 World Yearbook of Education: Racialization and Educational Inequality in Global Perspective (Routledge). Scott also co-authored in Education Policy Analysis Archives: “Small advances and swift retreat: Race-conscious educational policy in the Obama and Trump administrations.”  (Siegel-Hawley, G., Frankenberg, E., McDermott, K., McCollum, S., DeBray, E. (2005 NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow), & Scott, J. (2023). Finally, with Elizabeth DeBray, Kara Finnigan, and Janel George, she published a report with the National Education Policy Center: “A civil rights framework for the reauthorization of ESEA.” Boulder, CO: Available at:

Edward Silver gave a (virtual) invited plenary lecture, “Problem posing and the quest for mathematical agency,” at the Mathematics and Mathematical Education (MEM 2023) Symposium, which was held in Bogota, Colombia (February 16-28, 2023). He also gave a (virtual) invited presentation. “Reflections on mathematical thinking and engaging with mathematics thoughtfully,” at the Fields Institute Mathematics Education Forum,  which was held at the University of Toronto (March 25, 2023).

A new version of Gale Sinatra’s Science Denial: Why It Happens and What to Do About It, co-authored with Barbara K. Hofer, will be out in paperback with a new chapter on May 26th.

Christine Sleeter’s Critical Race Theory and its Critics (with Francesca A. López, 2013 NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow), published by Teachers College Press, was released in April 2023.

Peter Smagorinsky ran a workshop in April 2023 at the Universidad de Guadalajara on academic writing.  Smargorinsky received the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Cultural Historical Research SIG Lifetime Contribution to Cultural-Historical Research Award, which acknowledges the contribution of one person, over the course of their career, to the Cultural-Historical Research field as reflected in foundational books, series of publications, lectures, conference presentations, grants, speeches, and important engagement with the field broadly speaking including outreach and service.  He also published the following:

  • Skerrett, A., & Smagorinsky, P. (2023). Teaching literacy in troubled times: Identity, inquiry, and social action at the heart of instruction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
  • Smagorinsky, P. (2023). Arguing controversies through civic discourse. Writing and Pedagogy, Smagorinsky, P. (2023). Talking and listening for civic engagement. English Journal, 112(3), 57-63.
  • Smagorinsky, P., & Lang, M. (2023). Learning to create environments for deafness among hearing preservice teachers: A defectological approach. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction, 38.

Amy Stuart Wells became a Corresponding Fellow of The British Academy in the fall of 2022. And just a few months ago, she was named the Dean of the Bank Street Graduate School of Education in New York City. This summer will be her last year as the Executive Director of the Reimagining Education: Teaching, Learning and Leading for a Racially Just Society Summer Institute (RESI) at Teachers College, Columbia University from July 10-14. This will be the 8th year of RESI, and it promises to the best RESI ever!

Mark Wilson shares the accomplishment that a second edition of the book Measurement Across the Sciences (Luca Mari, Mark Wilson & Andrew Maul, 2014 NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow) has been published by Springer.  It is an attempt to bring under a single umbrella both physical sciences measurement (“metrology”) and human sciences measurement.  If you are interested, it is available on Open Access, so it can be downloaded for free (but you have to pay if you want a hard-back version):


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