Anjali Adukia (Postdoctoral 2018) was elected to the Board of Directors of the Association for Education Finance and Policy and joined the editorial board of the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.

Monisha Bajaj (Postdoctoral 2009) co-edited a special issue of the International Journal of Human Rights Education on “Human Rights Education & Black Liberation” (February 2021). She is also the co-author of a newly published book Educating for Peace and Human Rights: An Introduction (Bloomsbury, 2021). In response to rising anti-Asian violence in the U.S., Dr. Bajaj also published a blog post for Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance) translating her research on human rights into advice for educators to address current issues of xenophobia and violence (the blog post can be found here).

Angela Calabrese Barton (Postdoctoral 1996) published a set of manuscripts, with colleagues, focused on insights into youths’ and communities’ experiences learning about and navigating the COVID-19 pandemic and its intersections with issues of justice, as well as on justice-oriented approaches to teaching and learning in STEM education, both in and out of school. These include two manuscripts in Educational Researcher focused on Community Infrastructuring as Necessary Ingenuity in a Pandemic (Oct 2020), and on “Beyond Equity as Inclusion: A Framework of ‘Rightful Presence’ for Guiding Justice-oriented Studies in Teaching and Learning” (Aug/Sept 2020), a manuscript in Teachers College Record focused on “pathhacking” in STEM as a lens for critically understanding the power-mediated ways youth seek to navigate experiences in STEM, and a manuscript in Science Education focused on equitable and just outcomes in informal science learning. In addition, her 2020 Journal of Teacher Education article focused on  justice-oriented perspectives on high leverages practices won the 2021 American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) “Best Paper” award for JTE.  She also provided a series of webinar workshops with her colleague Edna Tan for teachers through the National Science Teachers Association and WGBH/NOVA focused on justice-oriented science teaching and learning.

Robert Bayley (Postdoctoral 1997) was named to the inaugural class of fellows of the American Dialect Society in December 2020 in recognition of scholarly prominence and service to the Society. He also has several recent publications including “The Acquisition of a Regional Phonological Feature during a Semester Abroad in Argentina” (with R. Pozzi), Studies in Second Language Acquisition 43(1), 2021, “Relating Performance on Written Assessments to Features of Mathematics Discussion” (with L. C. Banes et al.), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 18, 1375–1398, 2020, and “‘Present Your Start’: Mathematics Discussions to Benefit All Students” (with L. C. Banes & R. C. Ambrose), Multilingual Educator, 2020). In addition, in 2020 Gallaudet University Press published an updated paperback edition of his 2011 book, The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure (with C. McCaskill, C. Lucas, & J. Hill) in conjunction with the release of the North Carolina Language and Life Project’s film, Signing Black in America. During the pandemic, Bayley and co-authors have organized numerous virtual film screenings followed by panel discussions about Black ASL for university and community groups across the United States.

Betsy Jane Becker (Postdoctoral 1986) gave a presentation at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention entitled “Synthesizing Evidence for Effects Collected from Quasi-Experimental Studies.” Also, the paper “Assessing Differential Bundle Functioning Using Meta-Analysis” by Lanrong Li and Betsy Becker has been accepted to appear in the Journal of Educational Measurement.

Chris Bennett (Dissertation 2020) has an article that was recently published OnlineFirst in the American Educational Research Journal. It is entitled “Untested Admissions: Examining Changes in Application Behaviors and Student Demographics under Test-Optional Policies.”

Travis J. Bristol (Dissertation 2013; Postdoctoral 2020) was awarded the 2021 Early Career Award from the American Educational Research Association (Division-K).

Tolani Britton (Dissertation 2016; Postdoctoral 2021) Assistant Professor at the University of Berkeley Graduate School of Education published an article entitled “Does Locked up Mean Locked out: The Effects of the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act on Black Male Students’ College Enrollment” in the Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy (https://doi.org/10.1007/s41996-020-00073-y). This paper uses variation in state marijuana and cocaine possession laws to examine whether the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 led to differences in college enrollment rates. She also joined the editorial board of Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

Brian A. Burt (Postdoctoral 2016) earned tenure and promotion to Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (effective August 2021). Brian also received the William Elgin Wickenden Award of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) for the article “Broadening Participation in the Engineering Professoriate: Influences on Allen’s Journey in Developing Professorial Intentions,” which was published in the October 2020 issue of the Journal of Engineering Education. He will receive this award at the annual ASEE conference in July.

Eddie R. Cole (Postdoctoral 2015) is currently on a virtual tour for his new book, The Campus Color Line: College Presidents and the Struggle for Black Freedom (Princeton University Press). In 2021, he has been hosted by Princeton University, the University of Virginia, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, St. John’s University, and the University of Georgia, among other universities and private foundations. His invited talks explore how college presidents have historically shaped racial policies and practices inside and outside of the educational sphere and what those past actions mean for society today.

Hilary G. Conklin (Postdoctoral 2009), Professor at DePaul University, was one of the authors of the NAEd’s new Educating for Civic Reasoning and Discourse report and recently published articles on Cultivating Empathic Listening in Democratic Education in Theory and Research in Social Education and The Preparation of Novice Teacher Educators in Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. She also received an Outstanding Reviewer award from the American Educational Research Journal.

Cati V. de los Ríos (Postdoctoral 2020) is the recipient of the 2021 Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentorship of Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs). This award recognizes faculty who have provided GSIs outstanding mentorship in teaching at UC Berkeley and in preparing for teaching in future careers. Faculty receive this award based on nominations from their GSIs and letters of support from departmental chairs.

Douglas Downey (Postdoctoral 1995) recently published a book, How Schools Really Matter: Why Our Assumption about Schools and Inequality is Mostly Wrong, with University of Chicago Press. In the book he points out a couple of empirical patterns that challenge the notion that schools are an engine of inequality. First, socioeconomic gaps in reading and math skills are large at kindergarten entry and decrease over the next several years. Second, socioeconomic gaps in reading and math grow faster when school is out (summers) versus in.  The takeaway is that if we are serious about reducing achievement gaps, school reform is a suboptimal approach. Broader social reform is necessary.

Sarah Dryden-Peterson‘s (Postdoctoral 2015) long-term research on refugee education has informed educational pivots in current uncertainties and disruption. The research shows long-term and equity-focused approaches to education that support young people to thrive in situations of uncertainty, including predictability, adaptability, and future-building, all dependent on relationships. Dryden-Peterson’s recently published work reflects these principles, including a new conceptualization of civic education for refugees in Intercultural Education, approaches to language in refugee education in a co-authored book chapter (with doctoral student Celia Reddick), a forthcoming commentary with Comparative Education Review on Pedagogies of Belonging, her new course on Education in Uncertainty taken by students located in 20 countries, and on-going work with the now one-year-old initiative Refugee REACH.

Jason Ellis (Postdoctoral 2017) at the University of British Columbia, has published a new book, A Class by Themselves? The Origins of Special Education in Toronto and Beyond  which received an honorable mention for the Disability History Association’s 2020 Outstanding Book Award.

Hilary Falb Kalisman (Postdoctoral 2019) published an article “’A World of Tomorrow”: Diaspora Intellectuals and Liberal Thought in the 1950s” in the April 2021 issue of the Journal of Palestine Studies. You can access it here.

Glenda Marisol Flores (Dissertation 2011; Postdoctoral 2014) published six academic pieces: “Gendered Deference: Perceptions of Authority and Competence Among Latina/o Physicians in Medicine” in Gender & Society (with Maricela Bañuelos); “Latina Physicians as “Essential” Workers” in Contexts; “Latina/x Doctoras [Doctors]: Negotiating Knowledge Production in Science” in the edited volume Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Approaches; “Latinx Millenials: Enduring Issues and New Challenges” in Sociological Perspectives; and “Learning from Asian Teachers: Internal Diversity and Perceptions of Minority Students and Their Families” in the her co-edited volume (with Lata Murti) titled, Gender, Race and Class in the Lives of Today’s Teachers: Educators at Intersections.

Joanne W. Golann (Dissertation 2013), Assistant Professor of public policy and education at Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, has published a new book, Scripting the Moves: Culture and Control in a “No-Excuses” Charter School (Princeton University Press), forthcoming in June 2021.

Usha Goswami (Postdoctoral 1990), Professor of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, has been elected to the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. The Leopoldina was founded in 1652 in Schweinfurt/Germany and is the oldest continuously existing academy of natural sciences and medicine in the world. Professor Goswami founded, and serves as Director of, the world’s first Centre for Neuroscience in Education. Her research focuses on children’s cognitive development, particularly the development of language and literacy.

Tikia K. Hamilton (Postdoctoral 2017) has had the opportunity to lead a number of workshops. For the National Council of History Education, she presented on the Great Migration, and also served on one of their panels focusing on race in early American History for K-6 teachers. For Women’s History Month, she also presented on Black Women in the Suffrage Movement for St. Peter’s University (New Jersey). In April, she had another seminar for K-12 teachers sponsored by the Newberry Library. The most exciting news includes both the publication of her afterword in the book entitled Racism in American Public Life: A Call to Action by the esteemed Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole and her appointment as Assistant Professor in the History Department at Loyola University (to start in the fall). 

Claire-Marie Hefner (Dissertation 2015) was awarded a Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research to fund a year of writing (Summer 2021-Summer 2022). During this time, she will complete her book manuscript titled, Achieving Islam: Women, Piety, and Moral Play in Indonesian Muslim Boarding Schools.

Guanglei Hong, (Postdoctoral 2006) has been named a Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation for her project entitled “Economically Vulnerable Youth during the Great Recession: Risks and Protections.” She is a professor in the Department of Comparative Human Development at the University of Chicago and chair of the Committee on Quantitative Methods in Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences. Her research focuses on developing methods for understanding the impacts of social and educational policies on child and youth development over long timespans as they navigate multiple layers of social ecological systems. Her Guggenheim Fellowship will support research into the impacts of the Great Recession on youth transition to adulthood with short-term and long-term implications for developmental outcomes in multiple domains of life. The project compares the impacts across different classes of origin, gender, and racial/ethnic groups, examining how prior factors such as wealth and education have impacted individuals’ development paths since 2008.

Rosalind Horowitz (Postdoctoral 1985) contributed to the National Academy of Education 2020-2021 review of NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship applications and the 2021 Spring Retreat, meeting with postdoctoral fellows currently at the University of Minnesota and the University of Oregon. Horowitz also served as a reviewer and judge at The University of Texas at San Antonio Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Showcase in April, 2021. Horowitz serves as Program Chair of the American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group (SIG) on Research in Reading and Literacy. All Symposia noted herein were videotaped for the SIG archives. Under the auspices of this AERA SIG, Horowitz organized with Co-Chair Rand Spiro, Michigan State University “A New Historical Synthesis and Vision for Conceptualizing Literacy: Literacy Research from an Historical Perspective: Continuity? Progress? Or a failed Opportunity to Build on the Past.”  Horowitz spoke at the session, followed by Catherine Snow (NAEd Member), Harvard University; David B. Yaden, Vice President, Literacy Research Association (LRA), Professor, University of Arizona; and Bekisizwe Ndimande, from South Africa, and Associate Professor at The University of Texas at San Antonio. The Symposium presenters addressed the history and philosophy in the progress of continuity in Literacy Research and asked: How can future progress in literacy research be enhanced by a historical consciousness? What are the possibilities for a more intentional or even formalized stance toward relating the present to the past? A symposium at AERA on “The Life and Legacy of S. Jay Samuels: Seminal World Contributions to the Study of Reading” was organized in Memory of Samuels, who passed away at 91 in December 2020 from COVID-19.  It included passionate talks by Horowitz, The University of Texas at San Antonio; Joanna Williams, Teachers College, Columbia University; William Bart, the University of Minnesota, David Neil Rapp, Northwestern University, Marilyn Adams, Brown University; Wayne H. Slater, University of Maryland, College Park, and Paul van den Broek, the University of Leiden, The Netherlands.  Finally, a Workshop at AERA, was organized by Horowitz, with presentation by Nils Johannes Naumann, University of Wuppertal, Germany, on “The Uses of PISA Data (Program for International Student Assessment of 15-year-olds) for Model Building and Hypothesis Testing in World Comparisons in Literacy.” This was prepared under the auspices of the SIG’s recently established, International Consortium on World Literacy.

Benjamin Justice (Postdoctoral 2005) has been making the most of his first sabbatical leave in a decade. His 2021 article (with Tracey Meares) titled “Does the Law Recognize Legal Socialization” appeared in Journal of Social Issues.  A forthcoming article (also with Tracey Meares) titled “The Wolf We Feed: Democracy, Caste, and Legitimacy” will appear shortly in Michigan Law Review. A sole authored essay titled “Hobbling: The Effects of Proactive Policing and Mass Imprisonment on Children’s Education” is in process at the Annual Review of Law and Social Science. And finally, after over fifteen years of tinkering, he is thrilled that the Journal of British Studies has accepted his sole-authored article, “The Art of Coining Christians: Indians and Authority in the Iconography of British Colonial Seals, 1606-1767.”

Matthew Kraft (Dissertation 2012) was selected as a 2021 Early Career Award recipient by the Society of Research for Educational Effectiveness.

Adam Laats (Postdoctoral 2009) is currently writing a book about the roots of urban public school system and the Lancasterian movement. In the past few months, he has published and presented a variety of work from this research. Along with historian Victoria Cain (Postdoctoral 2007), he has published commentaries about the history of educational technology in Kappan and the Washington Post. He has presented his work at Humboldt University of Berlin, the University of Zurich, Washington State University, and the New York State Library. He has published additional commentaries about the history of educational culture wars at Salon, Kappan, and the Washington Post.

Jeff MacSwan (Postdoctoral 2003), Professor of Applied Linguistics and Language Education at the University of Maryland, published a volume co-edited with Christian Faltis titled Codeswitching in the Classroom: Critical Perspectives on Teaching, Learning, Policy, and Ideology (Routledge, 2020), which included an authored introductory chapter surveying linguistic and sociolinguistic research on codeswitching, or language mixing, and another chapter co-authored with students on the effects of codeswitching on bilingual language acquisition. Also in 2020, he published an article titled “Translanguaging, Language Ontology, and Civil Rights” in World Englishes and another article titled “Academic Language as Standard Language Ideology: A Renewed Research Agenda for Asset-Based Language Education” in Language Teaching Research. The same year he contributed a chapter titled “Theoretical approaches to the grammar of codeswitching” to the Routledge Handbook of Language Contact. MacSwan received the Leadership through Scholarship Award from the AERA Second Language Research SIG and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG, both in 2021.

Francine Menashy (Postdoctoral 2013) published the articles (co-author with Zeena Zakharia, University of Maryland) “Private Engagement in Refugee Education and The Promise of Digital Humanitarianism” in the Oxford Review of Education, “The Emerging Role of Corporate Actors as Policymakers in Education in Emergencies: Evidence from the Syria Refugee Crisis” in the Journal of Education in Emergencies, and an Inter-Agency Network on Education in Emergencies Advocacy Brief on Private Sector Engagement in Education in Emergencies.

Raegen Miller (Postdoctoral 2007) was appointed to the Whatcom County Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board, a service role that complements his work teaching in local public schools and for American University.

Timothy Monreal (Dissertation 2019) received the 2021 Outstanding Dissertation Award from the AERA Latina/o/x Research Issues SIG. He was also named as a research fellow to the prestigious Latinx Research Center at Santa Clara University. He published two open access, peer reviewed journal articles (and has more than a few under review)

Judit Moschkovich (Dissertation 1991; Postdoctoral 1995) published the co-authored article “Designing and Enacting Instruction that Enhances Language for Mathematics Learning – A Review of the State of Development and Research” (Erath, K., Ingram, J., Moschkovich, J., & Prediger, S. (2021) in ZDM, The International Journal on Mathematics Education. She also published a book chapter, “Learners’ Language in Mathematics Classrooms: What We Know and What We Need to Know,” in N. Planas, C. Morgan, & M. Schütte (Eds.). Classroom Research on Mathematics and Language. Professor Moschkovich was part of a team that produced materials for A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction. This toolkit is an integrated approach to mathematics that centers Black, Latinx, and Multilingual students in grades 6-8, which addresses barriers to math equity, and aligns instruction to grade-level priority standards. The toolkit supports educators as they navigate the individual and collective journey from equity to anti-racism.

In July 2020, Professor Judit Moschkovich served on the National Academy of Education panel “Addressing Inequitable Mathematics Loss in the Midst of COVID-19: Mitigation and Learning Acceleration Strategies,” part of the NAEd COVID-19 Educational Inequities Roundtable Series. Professor Moschkovich’s presentation focused on research-based strategies to support mathematics learning, particularly for students learning English. The roundtables informed NAEd summaries with evidenced-based strategies to prevent the deepening of educational inequalities, available online.

Michele S. Moses (Dissertation 1998; Postdoctoral 2004), Professor of Educational Foundations and Policy and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs at the University of Colorado Boulder, was elected president of the Philosophy of Education Society. She will serve a year as president-elect and assume the presidency during Spring 2022.

Kristen Nawrotzki‘s (Postdoctoral 2007) latest monograph, written with co-authors Alessandra Arce Hai, Helen May, Larry Prochner and Yordanka Valkanova, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2020 as part of the ISCHE Global Histories of Education Series. The book, entitled Reimagining Teaching in Early 20th Century Experimental Schools, analyzes the diffusion and transfer of New Education ideas about teachers and teaching through case studies of five pioneering schools on three continents.

Joseph Derrick Nelson (Postdoctoral 2015) was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Educational Studies at Swarthmore College and Director of the Black Studies Program. A scholar of race, boyhood, and education, last year he was appointed Editor of the historic journal, Men and Masculinities. He was also elected to the Board of nationally recognized advocacy organizations that conduct research to address race and gender equity, namely Promundo, Advocates for Youth, and the American Men’s Studies Association. This year, he joined the Task Force on Boys in School with the American Psychological Association, and he was also named Inaugural Fellow with the Boys Club of New York—a network of programs and services for 10,000+ boys throughout New York City.

Briana Nichols‘ (Dissertation 2020) dissertation concerns the lives and livelihoods of Guatemalan indigenous youth living in communities of extensive migration. This project ethnographically traces the experiences of young people who have grown up witnessing the effects that transnational migration has had on their communities, and as a result are striving to create different futures for themselves, futures of non-migration. Her recent publication in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369183X.2021.1877122), titled, “Nothing is Easy: Educational Striving and Migration Deferral in Guatemala” examines the relationships between indigenous youth, the formal education system and migration.  She demonstrates how young people strive educationally as a means by which to defer migration to the United States, however in doing so they must grapple with experiences of educational exclusion, enduring coloniality, and epistemic rejection within the school system.  

Janet Njelesani (Postdoctoral 2018), PhD, OTR/L, and Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy at NYU has co-authored a new chapter for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, titled:  “Night Wives” and the Education of Girls with Disabilities in Sierra Leone. The chapter calls for girls with disabilities in Sierra Leone to receive the same opportunities to remain in school and complete education as their non-disabled peers.

Chris Ogren (Postdoctoral 1998) published two articles: Christine A. Ogren, “Teacher Education in Institutions of Higher Education: A History of Common Good, Teaching Education (2021), DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2021.1895106; and Christine A. Ogren, “An ‘Administrativ’ Approach to Innovation: Two Teachers-College Presidents and Simplified Spelling in the Progressive Era,” in Change and Continuity in American Colleges and Universities, ed. N. M. Sorber (Routledge, 2021).

Nathanael Okpych (Dissertation 2015) has published a new book with Rutgers University Press entitled Climbing a Broken Ladder: Contributors of College Success for Youth in Foster Care. Drawing on data from one of the most extensive studies of young people in foster care, the book advances our knowledge of what can be done to improve college outcomes for students with foster care experience. More information on the book can be found on the RU Press webpage: https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/climbing-a-broken-ladder/9781978809161.

Lourdes Ortega (Postdoctoral 2003) started this second pandemic year with plenary speeches at two virtual conferences organized by University of Hong Kong and the University of Arizona, making pleas in both for social justice in the study and practice of multilingualism. She also presented on Digital Language Learning for the COVID Era: What Longitudinal Evidence Do We Need? in an invited colloquium at the 41st conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), held virtually. She began her term as 1st Vice President of the AAAL and will chair the AAAL conference next March of 2022 in Pittsburgh. She also became General Editor of the journal Language Learning.

Caitlin Patler (Postdoctoral 2018), Assistant Professor of Sociology, UC Davis, received a Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award from the UC Davis Academic Senate, UC Davis’ highest honor for teaching. From the announcement, “[Professor Patler] is recognized for her excellent teaching in sociology, particularly with immigration topics. In a public sociological tradition, her teaching and mentoring contextualizes individual experiences within broader social structures and processes, and she connects the real world with the classroom in important ways.” 

Emily Rauscher (Postdoctoral 2017) received the 2021 Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences Early Career Impact Award. A recent publication, co-authored with Ailish Burns, finds lower COVID-19 deaths with earlier school closures, particularly in counties with a high concentration of Black or low-income residents. Rauscher will study changes in the distribution of school funding during the pandemic with support from the Spencer Foundation.  

Frank Reichert (Postdoctoral 2016) has received the Early Career Award of the Social Studies Research SIG at this year’s annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. He has also published an analysis of representative teacher data from Belgium (Flanders) showing that teachers’ citizenship norms form meaningful profile patterns. The results further indicate that teachers can be seen as instructional gatekeepers, with those supporting more engaged and all-around norms of citizenship more frequently implementing active teaching styles. [Sampermans, D., Reichert, F., & Claes, E. (2021). “Teachers’ Concepts of Good Citizenship and Associations with Their Teaching Styles.” Cambridge Journal of Education. DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2020.1861219. Another analysis of young adults’ offline and online political participation during Hong Kong’s anti-extradition bill social movement suggests that young adults express their views on the Internet and are ready to turn to political participation (including offline) when they are dissatisfied with government actions and believe it is their responsibility to act against laws perceived to be unjust. The panel data also show that offline and online participatory experiences can reinforce political action in both modes. [Reichert, F. (2021). Collective Protest and Expressive Action among Young Adults in Hong Kong: Forms of Political Participation and Associations between Offline and Online Political Behavior. Frontiers in Political Science, 2, 608203. DOI: 10.3389/fpos.2020.608203.

Angela Reyes (Postdoctoral 2009) published the second edition of her award-winning, co-authored book with Stanton Wortham (NAEd Member), Discourse Analysis Beyond the Speech Event (Routledge, 2021). She also published two journal articles: “Real Fake Skin: Semiotics of Skin Lightening in the Philippines” in Anthropological Quarterly in 2020; and “Image into Sequence: Colonial Photography and the Invention of Filipino Evolution” in the Semiotic Review in 2021. She was a discussant on the panel, “Room at the Table: Locating Asian Identity in Linguistics and the LSA,” at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in January 2021.

Aaron Saiger (Postdoctoral 2006) has published two book chapters:

Education in Virtual Environments, in The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Education Law (Kristine Bowman ed., Oxford University Press 2021); and

State Regulation of Curriculum in Private Religious Schools: A Constitutional Analysis, in Yeshivas versus the State of New York:  A Case Study in Religious Liberty in Education (Jay Greene & Jason Bedrick eds., Rowman & Littlefield 2020).

Zuchao “William” Shen (Dissertation 2018) is a current postdoc at the University of Florida. Shen’s dissertation has been selected for the 2021 AERA Division D Outstanding Dissertation Award. His dissertation project developed theories and tools for efficient design of multilevel experimental studies. Specifically, his dissertation leverages the cost of sampling and optimizes the sample size allocation across levels and treatment conditions such that designs can use the minimum cost to achieve adequate statistical power. Three papers revised from his dissertation have been published or are in press in the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, the Journal of Experimental Education, and Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. In addition, Dr. Shen currently works on the extension of his dissertation framework to multilevel experiments investigating mediation effects, with support from the Spencer Foundation Small Research Grants Program.

Matthew Shirrell‘s (Dissertation 2013; Postdoctoral 2020) paper, “On Their Own? The Work-Related Social Interactions and Turnover of New Teachers,” was published in the American Journal of Education. The paper focuses on a longitudinal (4 year) study of the social networks of new teachers in 14 elementary schools.

Katie H. Taylor (Postdoctoral 2018) has published “School of Working Women: A Letter to My Mother” in a literary magazine Pangyrus which describes being an educator and mother during the pandemic. She thinks it will resonate with many members of the NAEd community, especially after this grueling year.

Samantha Viano (Dissertation 2017) published a qualitative study on adoption and implementation of school resource officers in elementary schools with F. Chris Curran (Postdoctoral 2019) and Benjamin W. Fisher in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis titled “Kindergarten Cop: A Case Study of How a Coalition between School Districts and Law Enforcement Led to School Resource Officers in Elementary Schools.”

Jon M. Wargo (Postdoctoral 2020) published four peer-reviewed journal articles: “Making as Worlding: Young Children Composing Change through Speculative Design” in Literacy alongside Jasmine Alvarado (Research Development Awardee 2020); “Sound, Sentience, and Schooling: Writing the Field Recording in Educational Ethnography” in Anthropology and Education Quarterly alongside Cassie Brownell (Research Development Awardee 2020) and Gabrielle Oliveira (Dissertation 2013; Postdoctoral 2019); “Seeing Difference Differently: Inquiry-Based Learning as a Site/Sight of Intersectional Justice in English Language Arts” in the journal Language Arts, and “Sound Civics, Heard Histories: A Telling Case of Young Children Mobilizing Digital Media to Write (Right) Injustice” in Theory and Research in Social Education.

Vaughn W. M. Watson‘s (Postdoctoral 2020) publication “This is America”: Examining Artifactual Literacies as Austere Love across Contexts of Schools and Everyday Use, joint with Joanne E. Marciano, was named Outstanding Publication of the Year for 2020 by the Narrative Research Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association. In the paper, Marciano and Watson examine how teachers and teacher educators may foreground relationships, experiences, pasts, and possibilities to more fully recognize and extend already-present literacy practices of youth of color as strengths from which more equitable curriculum and teaching opportunities may be designed and enacted.

Lindsay Wright (Postdoctoral 2017) has been awarded a 2021 Fellowship by the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), which “supports outstanding scholarship in the humanities and humanistic social sciences with the potential to make significant contributions to knowledge within and across fields.” She will dedicate the fellowship period to her project entitled The Suzuki Industrial Complex: Race, Class, and Talent in American Classical Music, which offers the first book-length critical examination of the Suzuki Method, one of the most widely practiced music education methods worldwide

Jonathan Zimmerman (Postdoctoral 1999) published a new book, Free Speech and Why You Should Give a Damn (City of Light Press), illustrated by Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Signe Wilkinson. At a moment when free speech is often coded as a “conservative” value, the book looks backwards to remind readers about its radical role in campaigns for social justice.

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