Yossi Shavit
Tel Aviv University
Professor Emeritus

Year Elected


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Yossi Shavit is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Tel Aviv University. HIs research interests include educational and social stratification, and ethnic relations. Currently, he is studying social relations between Arab and Jewish students who attend mixed schools in Israel. In addition, he is studying the effects of family structures and educational institutions that are attended in early childhood on scholastic achievements in the later life-course. He serves as Vice President of RC28 of the International Sociological Association, is a foreign member of the American National Academy of Education and of the Sociological Research Association (SRA). Previously, he served as President of RC28 and of the Israeli Sociological Society, and was a professor in the SPS department at the European University Institute in Florence. In addition to academic work, he has a strong interest in policy-oriented research and is a Principal Researcher at the Taub Center for Social Policy Research where he directs the Initiative on Early Childhood Research.

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