Thank you for considering a contribution to the National Academy of Education (NAEd).

Gifts to the Academy will help expand NAEd’s capacity to advance high-quality education research, the continuing professional development of the next generation of education scholars, and the application of research to improved education policy and practice.

Support will specifically help NAEd reach new levels in the following areas:

  • Presence of a trusted voice in education research
  • Funding to pursue promising issues
  • Preparation of the next generation of education researchers and leaders
  • Sustainability of the NAEd

In addition, NAEd staff are also ready and eager to speak with you to explore other planned giving opportunities and various types of bequests and legacy gifts. Examples of this type of giving include:

  • Bequests (wills)
  • Life insurance policy
  • IRA or retirement plan beneficiary designations
  • Charitable trusts
  • Gifts of stock, bonds, or real estate

Please contact Greg White for more information.



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