2020 NAEd Annual Meeting Plenary: COVID-19’s Implications for Educational Equity

Plenary Description

This session will build on the NAEd’s summer roundtable series on how to mitigate educational inequality during the pandemic. At some point the pandemic will end. What’s next? If there’s one takeaway from the pandemic, it is that the status quo of educational inequality, so glaringly revealed by the pandemic, is not acceptable.  How can schools come out of the pandemic, not to business as usual, but to better arrangements that redress the inequities of the past?  Panelists will discuss such topics as school funding, choice, privatization, teacher recruitment, and standardized assessment to reimagine a more equitable education system.

Plenary Format and Panelists

This session is envisioned as a whole-group session, with three formal presentations followed by comments posed in the chat box for response from the panelists. The panelists include:

Gloria Ladson Billings, University of Wisconsin-Madison (chair)
Anthony Bryk, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Linda Darling-HammondStanford University
Yong ZhaoUniversity of Kansas 

Resources to be referenced during the plenary:
Restarting and Reinventing School: Learning in the Time of COVID and Beyond

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