Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs
A TALE OF TWO CITIES: State Evaluation Systems of Teacher Preparation ProgramsABOUT THIS REPORT
The steering committee for Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs commissioned the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) to produce a teacher evaluation system landscape analysis, including a state-by-state summary of the evaluation system components and an analysis of similarities and differences between and among states.
Authored by Dr. Leslie Fenwick, this landscape analysis report presents information and data about state evaluation standards for teacher preparation programs and providers. Specifically, the program and provider approval processes and standards are listed by state (as defined by the state statute), along with an analysis of the similarities and differences between traditional, alternative route (IHE‑based), and alternative route (not IHE‑based) programs and providers. The report also provides six policy recommendations that emerged from the analysis about how states evaluate teacher preparation providers and programs.
(1) State Approval Requirements (Teacher Prep)
(2) Program Evaluation Components
(3) Internship
(4) Summary Statement
This report includes detailed infographics on key findings. See below for a few highlights from the report.
- Linda Darling-Hammond (Co-Chair)
Learning Policy Institute - Kenneth Zeichner (Co-Chair)
University of Washington - Shari Albright
Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation - Eva Baker
University of California, Los Angeles - Deborah Ball
University of Michigan - Eric Brown
National Education Association
- Robert Floden
Michigan State University - Gloria Ladson-Billings
University of Wisconsin - John Papay
Brown University - Mary Sandy
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing - Marla Ucelli-Kashyap
American Federation of Teachers
Amy Berman, Deputy Director
Dian Dong, Senior Program Officer, Research
This report was prepared for the National Academy of Education (NAEd) to inform and support the work of the steering committee for Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs. The project and research are supported by funding to the NAEd from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the NAEd or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.