David Perkins
Harvard University
Professor of Education

Year Elected


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David Perkins is a Research Professor, retired from the Senior Faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a founding member of Project Zero, co-director for many years, and now senior co-director and member of the steering committee. Project Zero, founded in 1967, is a research and development group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education investigating human intelligence, creativity, understanding, and learning at all levels. David Perkins continues to conduct research on creativity in the arts and sciences, informal reasoning, problem solving, understanding, individual and organizational learning, and the teaching of thinking skills. He has participated in curriculum projects addressing thinking, understanding, and learning in Colombia, Israel, Venezuela, South Africa, Sweden, and Australia as well as in the United States. He is actively involved in school change. He is the author of numerous publications, including Smart Schools (The Free Press, 1992),Outstanding IQ (The Free Press, 1995) on intelligence and its cultivation, The Eureka Effect(Norton, 2001) about creative thinking and King Arthur’s Round Table (Wiley, 2003) about organizational intelligence and learning, Making Learning Whole (Jossey-Bass, 2009) about organizing learning around full meaningful endeavors, and Future Wise (Jossey-Bass, 2014) about what’s worth teaching in the 21st century.

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