Fernando Reimers
Harvard University
Ford Foundation Professor of the Practice of International Education

Year Elected
Membership status
Fernando Reimers is the Ford Foundation Professor of the Practice of International Education and Director of the Global Education Innovation Initiative at Harvard University. He is an elected member of the US National Academy of Education and of the International Academy of Education. An expert in the field of Global Education, his research and teaching focus on understanding how to educate children and youth so they can thrive in the 21st century. He was a member of UNESCOs Commission on the Futures of Education which wrote the report 'Reimagining Our Futures Together. A New Social Contract for Education'. He was a member of the advisory committee of the UN Education Summit. He has developed curriculum aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which is in use in many schools throughout the world. During the COVID-19 pandemic he led numerous comparative studies examining the educational consequences of the pandemic and identifying options to sustain educational opportunity and to build back better. He directs the Global Education Innovation Initiative, a cross-country research and practice collaborative focusing on education for the 21st century. He has written or edited 50 books and over 100 articles and chapters, including Education to Build Back Better, Primary and Secondary Education during COVID-19, and University and School collaborations during a pandemic. He has also authored several children's books focused on inclusive values. As part of his commitment to advancing educational opportunity, he serves on multiple advisory boards and committees at Harvard, particularly focused in advancing the global mission of the University and enhancing the effectiveness of the university's programs to address climate change. He also serves on the boards of a range of education organizations focused on the improvement of education and the promotion of peace, inclusion and sustainability. He has served on the Harvard faculty since 1998. Previous to that he worked at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, the Harvard Institute for International Development and the World Bank.