Herbert Ginsburg
Teachers College, Columbia University
Jacob H. Schiff Foundation Professor of Psychology and Education

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Herbert P. Ginsburg, Ph.D., is the Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. He has conducted basic research on the development of mathematical thinking, with particular attention to young children, disadvantaged populations, and cultural similarities and differences. He has drawn on cognitive developmental research to develop mathematics curricula (Big Math for Little Kids) and storybooks for young children, tests of mathematical thinking, and video workshops to enhance teachers’ understanding of students’ mathematics learning. He has recently developed a model course on early mathematics education for use in colleges and universities. The course makes use of a web based computer technology (Video Interactions for Teaching and Learning [VITAL]) designed to help prospective teachers improve their craft by making meaningful connections between the cognitive analysis of children’s thinking and classroom practice. Also, he is engaged in creating computer-based systems (MCLASS: MATH) for helping teachers to conduct basic clinical interviews to assess children's mathematical knowledge. With colleagues, he is developing computer software,MathemAntics, to foster young children’s (from 3 years to grade 3) mathematics learning.