Marilyn Cochran-Smith
Boston College
John E. Cawthorne Professor of Education,

Year Elected
Membership status
Marilyn Cochran-Smith is the Cawthorne Professor of Teacher Education for Urban Schools, Emerita, at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College. She is also Adjunct Professor of Education at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, and a former Adjunct Professor of Education at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Cochran-Smith is a past president of AERA, an AERA Fellow, NEPC Fellow, and Laureate Member of Kappa Delta Pi. She is a member of NAEd's Research Advisory Committee, a previous member of NAEd's Board of Directors, and was the first Chair of NAEd's Professional Development Committee. Cochran-Smith was co-chair of AERA's National Panel on Research and Teacher Education and co-editor of their report, Studying Teacher Education (2005) as well as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Teacher Education, 2000-2006, and co-founder and co-editor of the Teachers College Press series on Practitioner Inquiry, which features books by practitioner researchers and/or about practitioner research. Cochran-Smith was the inaugural Koh Chair at the National Institute of Education (Singapore). She has received honorary doctorates from University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and University of Alicante (Spain) as well as numerous AERA and AACTE awards, including AERA Division K's 2019 Distinguished Contributions to Research Award and AACTE's 2020 Best Book Award for Reclaiming Accountability in Teacher Education (Cochran-Smith, Carney, Keefe, Burton, Chang, Fernández, Miller, Sánchez, & Baker, 2018). She also received ATE's 2023 Distinguished Research Award for "Beyond 'best practices': Centering equity in teacher preparation evaluation," co-authored with Emilie Reagan (Education Policy Analysis Archives). Cochran-Smith is a frequent keynote speaker nationally and internationally, recently presenting keynotes in Norway, Finland, and Japan. She has written more than 200 articles, chapters, editorials, and policy briefs on social justice/equity, practitioner research, and teacher education research, practice and policy. She has also written 10 books, 7 of which have won national awards.