Mark Wilson
University of California, Berkeley
Distinguished Professor

Year Elected


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Mark Wilson's interests focus on measurement and applied statistics. His work spans a range of issues in measurement and assessment from the development of new statistical models for analyzing measurement data, to the development of new assessments in subject matter areas such as science education, patient-reported outcomes and child development, to policy issues in the use of assessment data in accountability systems. He has recently published three books: the first, Constructing measures: An item response modeling approach (Erlbaum), is an introduction to modern measurement; the second (with Paul De Boeck of the University of Leuven in Belgium), Explanatory item response models: A generalized linear and nonlinear approach (Springer-Verlag), introduces an overarching framework for the statistical modeling of measurements that makes available new tools for understanding the meaning and nature of measurement; and the third, Towards coherence between classroom assessment and accountability (University of Chicago Press: National Society for the Study of Education), is an edited volume that explores the issues relating to the relationships between large-scale assessment and classroom-level assessment. He currently chairs a National Research Council committee on assessment of science achievement. He is founding editor of the new journal Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives.

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