Noreen Webb
University of California, Los Angeles
Distinguished Professor

Year Elected


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Noreen M. Webb is Distinguished Professor of Social Research Methodology in the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, with a joint appointment in the Department of Applied Linguistics & Teaching English as a Second Language. Her research spans domains in learning and instruction, especially the measurement and study of teaching and learning processes and the performance of individuals and groups in mathematics and science classrooms, and measurement topics in generalizability theory. In addition to numerous articles on mathematics and science learning and teaching, and pedagogical and empirical pieces related to generalizability theory, she co-authored a book on generalizability theory (Generalizability Theory: A Primer, with Richard Shavelson). Webb received the Review of Research Award and the Early Career Award for Programmatic Research from AERA, and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Educational Research Association. She received her BA from Swarthmore College and her PhD from Stanford University.

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