Paul Cobb
Vanderbilt University
Professor Emeritus

Year Elected
Membership status
Paul Cobb is a Research Professor at Vanderbilt University. His work focuses on improving the quality of mathematics teaching and student learning on a large scale. He is currently involved in a project that is developing practical measure of key aspects of high quality mathematics and investigating their use as levers for as well as measures of instructional improvement. He received Hans Freudenthal Medal for cumulative research program over the prior ten years from the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction (ICMI) in 2005, and the Silver Scribner Award from American Educational Research Association in 2010 for research over the past ten years that contributes to our understanding of learning and instruction. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Education and is an Invited Fellow of the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences. He received the award for outstanding article published in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education in1996. A book edited by Erna Yackel, Koeno Gravemeijer, and Anna Sfard that describes the evolution of his research program was published in 2010: A Journey in Mathematics Education Research: Insights from the Research of Paul Cobb.