Richard Duschl
Southern Methodist University
Director, Texas Instruments; Distinguished Professor

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Richard A. Duschl is Executive Director of the Caruth Institute for Engineering Education and Texas Instruments as well as Distinguished Professor in the Lyle School of Engineering at Southern Methodist University. Leadership roles include serving as Editor, Science Education (1990-2001); President of US NARST (2009-2011); and Director, Division for Research on Learning, NSF (2012-2015). He chaired the NRC research synthesis committee report Taking Science to School: Learning and Teaching Science in Grades K-8 (2007) and held chaired professorships as Waterbury Chair Professor of Secondary Education, Penn State University (2008-2018); Chair of Science Education, King's College London – University of London (2000-2005). Richard was recipient of the 2021 NARST Fellow Award, 2014 NARST Distinguished Career in Research Award and twice received the JRST Award for best publication in 1989 and 2003. In 2008, he was named an AERA Fellow. In 2007, he was honored as 'Distinguished Alumnus of the Year - College of Education' by the University of Maryland Alumni Association, where he completed his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees.

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