Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
Harvard University
Emily Hargroves Fisher Research Professor of Education

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Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot is Emily Hargroves Fisher Professor of Education at Harvard University. She received her BA from Swarthmore College and her PhD from Harvard University. Lightfoot has received the MacArthur Prize Fellowship, the American Educational Research Association’s Outstanding Book Award, the Christopher Award, and the George Ledlie Prize. Her publications include The Art and Science of Portraiture, The Good High School: Portraits of Character and Culture, Balm in Gilead: Journey of a Healer, Respect: An Exploration, The Essential Conversation: What Parents and Teachers Can Learn from Each Other, The Third Chapter, EXIT: The Endings That Set Us Free, and her just published book, Growing Each Other Up: When Our Children Become Our Teachers. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and The American Philosophical Society, and The Margaret Meade Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences.