NAEd Events at the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting

Apr 11, 2024

The NAEd is excited to engage with education scholars, practitioners, and policy leaders at this year’s AERA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. If you are attending, we welcome you to join us at the following events (concise timeline): 

Teacher Preparation and Evaluation 

Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs: A Consensus Report from the National Academy of Education  

Saturday, April 13, 3:05 to 4:35pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201C 

A forthcoming NAEd consensus report, Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs, drawing on extensive evidence, addresses the crucial role of teacher preparation programs (TPPs) to recruit, prepare, and retain a qualified and diverse teacher workforce, generating a supply of teachers that is responsive to demand to ensure that all students are taught by well-prepared, culturally responsive teachers. Today, too many students, especially those from historically marginalized communities, do not have equitable access to qualified, well-prepared teachers, and we are witnessing teacher shortages, high teacher attrition rates, wage penalties, and difficult working conditions. Thus, given the larger educational context in which TPPs are positioned, this report provides recommendations for TPP evaluations and improvements as well as broader reforms to the educational system necessary to support equitable access to high quality teacher preparation for prospective teachers. 

Please join us in this AERA session as we highlight the report’s key findings and recommendations as well as a vibrant discussion between the report’s co-chairs and discussants.  

  • Linda Darling-Hammond (report committee co-chair), Learning Policy Institute & Stanford University 
  • Kenneth Zeichner (report committee co-chair), University of Washington 
  • Amy Stuart Wells (discussant), Bank Street Graduate School of Education 
  • Jennifer Robinson (discussant), Montclaire State University 
  • Robert Floden (session chair), Michigan State University 

Civic Reasoning and Discourse 

Reinvigorating the Civic Purpose of Schooling: Reframing Outcomes and Expanding Democratic Education Across K–12 Learning  

Sunday, April 14, 9:35 to 11:05am, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 8  

The current politicized and coordinated attacks on what can be taught in schools have undermined the role of public schools in preparing students to become capable responsible citizens and democratic problem-solvers. This symposium session will engage scholars and practitioners in a discussion that addresses the current climate as well as potential responses to these challenges. Drawing upon multiple recent reports, the presenters will address new data and research from the field, discuss interdisciplinary research evidence supporting an expanded vision of civic and democratic education, illustrate a bi-partisan path to collaboratively enhance democratic education, and provide an overview of recent efforts to develop cross-curricular, open-source materials to support teachers. 

  • Mica Pollock, University of California, San Diego 
  • Kent McGuire, Hewlett Foundation 
  • Paul Carrese, Arizona State University 
  • Na’ilah Suad Nasir, Spencer Foundation 
  • Carol D. Lee (discussant), Northwestern University 
  • Gregory White (session chair), National Academy of Education 

Balanced Assessment Systems 

Yesterday, the NAEd released Reimagining Balanced Assessment Systems. This report reimagines the use of balanced assessment systems by centering equitable and ambitious teaching and learning. In doing so, the volume provides guidance to state and local educational agencies, as well as schools and teachers, regarding how to (1) foster and maintain a culture of productive assessment use to improve ambitious and equitable teaching and learning at the class­room level; (2) design policy, professional learning, and other local systems necessary to implement balanced assessment systems; and (3) implement processes to use aggregate data to continually improve the assessment system itself to better serve all students, especially those most disenfranchised.  

Here are our AERA/NCME sessions concerning the volume: 

NCME: Toward Balanced and Equitable Assessment Systems: Considerations for Implementation and Use 

Friday, April 12, 1:15 to 2:45 ET, Convention Center: Level 4 – Terrace Ballroom III 

This session will discuss the reimagination of balanced assessment systems as well as describe the multi-dimensional idea of balanced assessment systems and how states and districts can support its implementation and use. By centering on equitable and ambitious teaching and learning, this report emphasizes the supportive and critical roles that states and districts need to play in enacting and using assessments. 

  • Scott F. Marion, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment 
  • James W. Pellegrino, University of Illinois Chicago 
  • Lorrie A. Shepard, University of Colorado Boulder 
  • Guillermo Solano-Flores, Stanford University 

AERA: Classroom Assessment and Assessment Literacy Practices to Support Equitable and Ambitious Teaching and Learning  

Sunday, April 14, 9:35 to 11:05am, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon C 

The session will provide guidance for the design of culturally and socially sustainable classroom assessment systems to support rich learning, curriculum, and instruction. We also address assessment literacy, including the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate equitable and just outcomes for all students. Importantly, we highlight the roles of teachers, school leaders, and district leaders to support the use and implementation of such assessments, including the professional development and learning communities necessary to do this important work. 

  • James W. Pellegrino, University of Illinois Chicago 
  • Maria Araceli Ruiz-Primo, Stanford University 
  • Erin Marie Furtak, University of Colorado Boulder 
  • E. Caroline Wylie, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment 
  • Elena Diaz-Bilello, University of Colorado Boulder 
  • Jared Anthony, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 
  • Courtney A. Bell, University of Wisconsin-Madison 

AERA: Toward Balanced Assessment Systems: Considerations for Implementation and Use 

Sunday, April 14, 11:25am to 12:55pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 116  

This session will examine the system level design, implementation, and policy levers needed to support balanced assessment systems to support equitable and ambitious teaching and learning. It will provide an analytic framework for developing the logics, presses, and capacities necessary to implement balanced assessment systems. It will explore prior and current policy initiatives influencing ambitious classroom instruction, assessment, and learning. It will also highlight school, district, and state level practices and policies necessary to support ambitious and equitable teaching, learning, and assessment. 

  • Scott F. Marion, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment 
  • Amy I. Berman, National Academy of Education 
  • Donald J. Peurach, University of Michigan 
  • Laura S. Hamilton, American Institutes for Research 
  • José Felipe Martínez, University of California, Los Angeles 
  • Carla Evans, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment 
  • Erika Landl, National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment 
  • Ajit Gopalakrishnan, Connecticut State Department of Education 
  • Debbie Durrence, Gwinnett County Public Schools 

Promising Scholarship in Education Research: Dissertation Fellows and Their Research 

Friday, April 12, 11:25am to 12:55pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A 

Meet some of the NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellows, and other fellowship recipients, and learn more about their research.  

Early Career Research Fellowship and Funding Opportunities 

Friday, April 12, 4:55 to 6:25pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 203AB 

Learn about the NAEd/Spencer Dissertation and Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Early Career Research Fellowship and Funding Opportunities session, which will also highlight other research funding and fellowship opportunities available through scholarly societies and foundations tailored to early career scholars. Presenters will provide an overview of the early career funding and fellowship opportunities that their organizations offer, with moderated Q&A to follow presentations. 

Excellence in Education Research: Early Career Scholars and Their Work 

Saturday, April 13, 11:25am to 12:55pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A 

Meet some of the NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellows, and other early career scholars, and learn more about their research. 

NAEd Members Breakfast (members only) 

Saturday, April 13, 8:00 to 9:30am, Le Méridien Philadelphia, 1421 Arch Street 

An opportunity for NAEd members to gather, network, and discuss current topical items. 

If you require an accessible entrance to the hotel, please ask a member of the bellhop team, who will lead you to an elevator.

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