About the Evaluation of
Teacher Preparation Programs Report

About the Report

Public concern for the effectiveness of teacher preparation programs has sparked renewed interest in the attributes of evaluation systems used to gauge their quality. There are many such systems currently in place, with different purposes and consequences, and a growing need to clarify their advantages and drawbacks as the basis for developing new and innovative approaches. That need is the principal impetus for this report, which addresses a number of questions: What are the relative strengths, limitations, and consequences of existing approaches to evaluating teacher preparation programs? How well do evaluation methods align with multiple intended uses of their results? What principles should guide the design, implementation, and interpretation of evaluation systems?

Michael J. Feuer

Chair, Steering Committee of the Evaluation of Teacher Education Programs Initiative


  • Michael J. Feuer (Chair), Graduate School of Education and Human Development, The George Washington University 
  • Deborah Loewenberg Ball, School of Education, University of Michigan
  • Jeanne M. Burns, Louisiana Board of Regents
  • Robert E. Floden, Michigan State University 
  • Susan H. Fuhrman (Ex Officio), Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Lionel C. Howard, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, The George Washington University
  • Brian Rowan, Institute for Social Research and School of Education, University of Michigan


  • Michael J. Feuer, The George Washington University 
  • Robert E. Floden, Michigan State University 
  • Naomi Chudowsky,  TrueScore Consulting
  • Judie Ahn, National Academy of Education


Amy Berman, Deputy Director

Dian Dong, Program Officer, Research

This study was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, Award No. 1153848. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the National Academy of Education and the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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